Wednesday, 8 February 2012

My New Novel

Well, at last I've finished my novel, The Orchid Keeper's Son.  In my opinion, some books are easier to write than others and need sheer grit to stick with them, while others are easier to write - almost a pleasure, you could say.  This book falls into the 'almost a pleasure' category.

What follows, however, is never a pleasure for me, especially when my books are being published digitally for Kindle readers.  Getting the format converted into an e-publishing format and uploaded on to Amazon for me is a challenge to say the least.  It is, however, wonderful when the process is complete and there it is - cover and all - in the Kindle shop.  It couldn't be more exciting to see it on the shelves of a book shop.  It should be available for purchase on Amazon Kindle or if you subscribe to Kindle Prime, to borrow free of charge in a week or so's time.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.


Sunday, 22 January 2012

Returning from Holiday

It was good to get away to Auckland, to the relative normality of life without earthquakes and liquefaction, but it is good to be going home today. I feel it is a two edged sword, I want to go home to its familiarity, and in some way its routine. But on the other hand, it has been good to be away from the every day stresses and strains of life.  Soon my stay here will be just another memory and all I will be left with are my photos and mind pictures and a suitcase of dirty washing!

Happy Holidays.
Best wishes, Barbara.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

My Parent's Wedding

18 January 1941

It was war time, snowing and the church was as cold as an Eskimo's nose! Most wartime brides weren't able to be married in a long white wedding dress because of war shortages and lack of clothing coupons which were needed to buy anything that you wore or to purchase fabric.  However, some how my mother managed to obtain extra coupons and was one of the only brides of that time to wear a long, white velvet wedding dress, rouched at the front  and with silver shoes peeping from it. She even managed pale blue velvet for her bridesmaids. She wasn't quite so lucky in obtaining enough icing sugar for a white iced wedding cake, but somehow did get enough cocoa for a two-tier chocolate wedding cake.  Unfortunately, there wasn't to be too much privacy for my parent's wedding night, when the sirens sounded and all the guests including Mum and Dad made for the underground station shelter for the night! On their return they crept into their bedroom only to find my grandmother curled asleep in their bed oblivious to the air raid warnings!  They hadn't the heart to wake her. So much for a romantic start to their marriage. Had they lived, today would have been their 71st wedding anniversary.

Best wishes