Friday 3 October 2014

Nearly Finished The Third In The Trilogy

Hoorah! I've almost finished the third novel in my trilogy, The Blountmere Series. I'm calling it, "There's A Time" and it's in keeping with the theme of the book. It's been the hardest book to write out of the five that I've written so far and there have been times when I've come close to giving up, especially when, having finished all 90,000 words I knew it just wasn't working and I pressed the delete key and did away with two thirds of it and began again.  I've now finished a third large edit and at present the book is with When proof readers. I'm hoping it will be on sale for digital publication on Amazon at the end of October/beginning of November. Readers will also be able to buy a hard copy through Createspace on Amazon. I think the price will be US$19.99 + shipping. I'll give you all the details and instructions in a forthcoming blog.

If you were ask me, or, indeed if I ask myself what I've learnt from writing this novel, I would say the following:

* Think carefully before writing a trilogy. Taking your characters through sixty-odd decades presents its problems!
* Make sure you know in which direction you're taking the story.
*Once again, think carefully about writing an entire book in the first person present tense!
* Allow yourself plenty of time
*When people ask how much longer the third novel is going to , smile sweetly and say, It'll take as long as it takes."

So I've still got some tidying up to do and a lot of promotion, but I'm relieved the end is in sight.

And now I can enjoy the lovely spring sunshine we're having here in Christchurch and my husband and I can wander through the daffodils in the Botanical Gardens and finish with a cup of coffee in the wonderful new cafe there, the first one having been badly damaged in the earthquakes.

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